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playground in waukee

New Home Communities in

The city of Waukee has been on the upward trend for years, and the desire of individuals to move to the booming area isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Ranked as the top school district throughout the Des Moines area according to, the Waukee Community School District is the ideal place for students to expand their knowledge and interest in academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities. When you choose to purchase your new construction home throughout this city, you’ll receive top education options, incredible career opportunities, and a community-focused neighborhood that is always focused on bettering the city for its residents.

playground in waukee

New Home Communities in

The city of Waukee has been on the upward trend for years, and the desire of individuals to move to the booming area isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Ranked as the top school district throughout the Des Moines area according to, the Waukee Community School District is the ideal place for students to expand their knowledge and interest in academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities. When you choose to purchase your new construction home throughout this city, you’ll receive top education options, incredible career opportunities, and a community-focused neighborhood that is always focused on bettering the city for its residents.

Awards & Accolades

We believe in creating a new standard for homes in Des Moines, and we're glad to see that others agree we provide the very best homebuilding experience.

7-Time Award Winner

7-Time Award Winner

National Quality Housing Award ® from Pro Builder, 2021 Bronze

National Quality Housing Award ® from Pro Builder, 2021 Bronze

2016 Best Home Builder

2016 Best Home Builder

Iowa Volunteer Hall of Fame Inductee

Iowa Volunteer Hall of Fame Inductee

So very happy with our new Hubbell Home. All the professional folks on board to build our home are phenomenal in knowledge with utmost customer caring smiles. Love our new Hubbell Home!

Susan G.
Ask Tyler